Format Webhook Events will be sent with
Partnership Events
All Partnership Events (partnership_created, partnership_updated, partnership_deleted) will serve the following data.
partnership_created - New Partner joins program
partnership_updated - Partner Key / Partner Group changed through API action
partnership_deleted - Partner removed from program
partnership_group_updated - Partner group changes
"id": 123,
"partner_key": "JohnSmith",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"group": {
"id": 22,
"name": "Top Sellers",
"slug": "topsellers"
"event": "partnership_created",
"archived": "false"
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Integer assigned to partnership |
partner_key | String | Company Specific identifier for partner. (Usually a concatenation of first and last name) |
first_name | String | Partner's First Name eg. John |
last_name | String | Partner's Last Name eg. Smith |
String | Partner's Email Address eg. [email protected] | |
group | Object/Dictionary | Details about the group the partner is in |
event | String | The event that fired the webhook |
archived | Boolean | Whether the Partnership between the user (partner) and company exists |
Customer Events
All Customer Events (customer_created, customer_updated, customer_deleted) will serve the following data.
customer_created - New Customer signup tracked
customer_updated - Customer information updated (name, email, etc.)
customer_deleted - Customer is archived
"id": 123,
"key": "crust_a1xlr0s3",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Roger Axel",
"partner_key": "bertramgilfoyle",
"created_at": 1537205154288,
"updated_at": 1537205159876,
"archived": false,
"event": "customer_updated"
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Integer assigned to Customer |
key | String | Unique identifier for your customer |
String | Customer's email address eg. [email protected] | |
name | String | Customer's name eg. Roger Axel |
partner_key | String | Partner that referred the customer. |
created_at | Integer | Epoch (milliseconds) time of Customer creation |
updated_at | Integer | Epoch (milliseconds) time of Customer update |
archived | Boolean | Whether the customer is 'deleted' or not |
event | String | Customer Event that fired the webhook |
Transaction Events
All Transaction Events (transaction_created, transaction_deleted) events will serve the following data
transaction_created - New Transaction is tracked in program
transaction_deleted - Transaction is archived
"id": 123,
"customer_key": "crust_Lg23wNmkIF8hnB",
"partner_key": "MurryFlatley",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 153809,
"key": "tran_SoaaRTEY7QFA1k",
"event": "transaction_polled",
"archived": false,
"created_at": 1537205154288,
"updated_at": 1537205159876
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Integer assigned to Transaction |
customer_key | String | Unique Identifier for the Customer making transaction |
partner_key | String | Unique Identifier of the Partner that referred the Customer |
currency | String | Currency Transaction was processed in |
amount | Integer | Transaction amount in cents |
key | String | Unique Identifier of the Transaction |
event | String | Transaction event that fired the webhook |
archived | Boolean | Whether or not the Transaction still exists |
created_at | Integer | Epoch (milliseconds) time of Transaction creation |
updated_at | Integer | Epoch (milliseconds) time of Transaction update |
Offer Events
All Offer Events (offer_created, offer_deleted) will serve the following data
offer_created - New Offer is created
offer_deleted - Offer is archived
"id": 123,
"body": "$79.64 USD for every sale made",
"archived": false,
"default": true,
"challenge": {
"id": 33,
"name": "Summer Sale",
"key": "chal_1113"
"created_at": 1524913412966,
"updated_at": 1524913412966,
"value": 7964,
"currency": "USD",
"type_": "flat",
"product_key": "",
"group": {
"id": 22,
"name": "Top Sellers",
"slug": "topsellers"
"description": "",
"has_description": false,
"event": "offer_polled"
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Integer assigned to Offer |
body | String | Automated description of Offer |
archived | Boolean | Whether or not the Offer is active |
default | Boolean | Whether or not Offer is for the Default Group |
challenge | Object/Dictionary | Details about Challenge attached to offer |
created_at | Integer | Epoch (milliseconds) time of Offer creation |
updated_at | Integer | Epoch (milliseconds) time of Offer update |
value | Integer | Rewarding amount in cents |
currency | String | Currency of Offer Reward value |
type_ | String | Offer's rewarding type (eg. flat: $20, percentage: 20%) |
product_key | String | Unique Identifier for a product being rewarded for |
group | Object/Dictionary | Details about the group the Offer is available to |
description | String | Custom description of the Offer (replaces body if present) |
event | String | Offer event that fired the webhook |
Lead Events
All Lead events (lead_created, lead_updated, lead_approved, lead_declined, lead_closed, lead_status_updated) will serve the following data
lead_created - A new lead is created
lead_updated - An existing lead has been updated
lead_approved - An existing lead has been marked as approved
lead_declined - An existing lead has been marked as lead_declined
lead_status_updated - The status of an existing lead has been updated
"approved": None,
"archived": False,
"company_id": 6,
"created_at": 1584730345695,
"decline_reason": '',
"email": "[email protected]",
"external_key": "[email protected]",
"key": "lead_KkGd8UAMVMAcWR",
"meta": {
"country": "United States",
"first_name": "austen",
"firsttype_phWcnMuA8mpJ": "",
"last_name": "bostron",
"online_monthly_revenue": "Under $10K per month",
"phone": "7189084190",
"picklist_fkNFmN8IIEaP": "",
"secondwithdefault_NEElyEIGrnAv": "default"
"name": "austen bostron",
"owner": "company",
"partner_key": "austensutherland9896",
"partnership_id": 134,
"status": "open",
"updated_at": 1584730345695
Field | Type | Description |
key | String | Unique Key of Lead |
status | String | Current Status of lead |
approved | Boolean | Whether the lead has been approved or not |
name | String | Name of lead |
String | Email of lead | |
external_key | String | Unique reference from external system |
created_at | Integer | Created timestamp (ms epoch) |
updated_at | Integer | Updated timestamp (ms epoch) |
archived | Boolean | Whether this lead has been 'deleted' |
company_id | Interger | Unique Reference to Company |
partner_key | String | Unique Reference to Partnership |
meta | Object | Custom Fields on Lead |
Deal Events
All Deal events (deal_created, deal_updated, deal_stage_updated) will serve the following data
deal_created - A new deal is created
deal_updated - An existing deal has been updated
deal_stage_update - An existing deal has had its stage updated
"account_name": "Robert Reilly",
"amount": 8753,
"close_date": 1583038800000,
"company_id": 6,
"contact_first_name": "Stephanie",
"contact_last_name": "Sullivan",
"created_at": 1582908052302,
"key": "deal_fLvIgE6Yb43CLO",
"meta": {
"company_name_38n83e3e3": "Some Company",
"favorite_number_122jdfu232": 2,
"partner_key": "brendachapman3787",
"stage": "Working",
"updated_at": 1582908052302
Field | Type | Description |
key | String | Unique Key of Deal |
account_name | String | Name of account attached to Deal |
contact_first_name | String | First Name of contact attached to Deal |
contact_last_name | String | Last Name of contact attached to Deal |
stage | String | Current Stage of Deal in pipeline |
close_data | Integer | The expected date that this Deal will close (epoch ms) |
amount | Integer | The amount (in cents) that this deal is expected to close at |
partner_key | String | Unique identifier of partner who created Deal |
meta | Object | Custom fields on Deal |
company_id | Interger | Unique Id of Company on Deal |
created_at | Integer | Created timestamp (ms epoch) |
updated_at | Integer | Updated timestamp (ms epoch) |