Format Webhook Events will be sent with

Partnership Events

All Partnership Events (partnership_created, partnership_updated, partnership_deleted) will serve the following data.

partnership_created - New Partner joins program
partnership_updated - Partner Key / Partner Group changed through API action
partnership_deleted - Partner removed from program
partnership_group_updated - Partner group changes

   "id": 123,
   "partner_key": "JohnSmith",
   "first_name": "John",
   "last_name": "Smith",
   "email": "[email protected]",
   "group": {
      "id": 22,
      "name": "Top Sellers",
      "slug": "topsellers"
   "event": "partnership_created",
   "archived": "false"
idIntegerInteger assigned to partnership
partner_keyStringCompany Specific identifier for partner. (Usually a concatenation of first and last name)
first_nameStringPartner's First Name
eg. John
last_nameStringPartner's Last Name
eg. Smith
emailStringPartner's Email Address
eg. [email protected]
groupObject/DictionaryDetails about the group the partner is in
eventStringThe event that fired the webhook
archivedBooleanWhether the Partnership between the user (partner) and company exists

Customer Events

All Customer Events (customer_created, customer_updated, customer_deleted) will serve the following data.

customer_created - New Customer signup tracked
customer_updated - Customer information updated (name, email, etc.)
customer_deleted - Customer is archived

   "id": 123,
   "key": "crust_a1xlr0s3",
   "email": "[email protected]",
   "name": "Roger Axel",
   "partner_key": "bertramgilfoyle",
   "created_at": 1537205154288,
   "updated_at": 1537205159876,
   "archived": false,
   "event": "customer_updated"
idIntegerInteger assigned to Customer
keyStringUnique identifier for your customer
emailStringCustomer's email address
eg. [email protected]
nameStringCustomer's name
eg. Roger Axel
partner_keyStringPartner that referred the customer.
created_atIntegerEpoch (milliseconds) time of Customer creation
updated_atIntegerEpoch (milliseconds) time of Customer update
archivedBooleanWhether the customer is 'deleted' or not
eventStringCustomer Event that fired the webhook

Transaction Events

All Transaction Events (transaction_created, transaction_deleted) events will serve the following data

transaction_created - New Transaction is tracked in program
transaction_deleted - Transaction is archived

   "id": 123,
   "customer_key": "crust_Lg23wNmkIF8hnB",
   "partner_key": "MurryFlatley",
   "currency": "USD",
   "amount": 153809,
   "key": "tran_SoaaRTEY7QFA1k",
   "event": "transaction_polled",
   "archived": false,
   "created_at": 1537205154288,
   "updated_at": 1537205159876
idIntegerInteger assigned to Transaction
customer_keyStringUnique Identifier for the Customer making transaction
partner_keyStringUnique Identifier of the Partner that referred the Customer
currencyStringCurrency Transaction was processed in
amountIntegerTransaction amount in cents
keyStringUnique Identifier of the Transaction
eventStringTransaction event that fired the webhook
archivedBooleanWhether or not the Transaction still exists
created_atIntegerEpoch (milliseconds) time of Transaction creation
updated_atIntegerEpoch (milliseconds) time of Transaction update

Offer Events

All Offer Events (offer_created, offer_deleted) will serve the following data

offer_created - New Offer is created
offer_deleted - Offer is archived

    "id": 123,
    "body": "$79.64 USD for every sale made",
    "archived": false,
    "default": true,
    "challenge": {
       "id": 33,
       "name": "Summer Sale",
       "key": "chal_1113"
    "created_at": 1524913412966,
    "updated_at": 1524913412966,
    "value": 7964,
    "currency": "USD",
    "type_": "flat",
    "product_key": "",
    "group": {
       "id": 22,
       "name": "Top Sellers",
       "slug": "topsellers"
    "description": "",
    "has_description": false,
    "event": "offer_polled"
idIntegerInteger assigned to Offer
bodyStringAutomated description of Offer
archivedBooleanWhether or not the Offer is active
defaultBooleanWhether or not Offer is for the Default Group
challengeObject/DictionaryDetails about Challenge attached to offer
created_atIntegerEpoch (milliseconds) time of Offer creation
updated_atIntegerEpoch (milliseconds) time of Offer update
valueIntegerRewarding amount in cents
currencyStringCurrency of Offer Reward value
type_StringOffer's rewarding type (eg. flat: $20, percentage: 20%)
product_keyStringUnique Identifier for a product being rewarded for
groupObject/DictionaryDetails about the group the Offer is available to
descriptionStringCustom description of the Offer (replaces body if present)
eventStringOffer event that fired the webhook

Lead Events

All Lead events (lead_created, lead_updated, lead_approved, lead_declined, lead_closed, lead_status_updated) will serve the following data

lead_created - A new lead is created
lead_updated - An existing lead has been updated
lead_approved - An existing lead has been marked as approved
lead_declined - An existing lead has been marked as lead_declined
lead_status_updated - The status of an existing lead has been updated

    "approved": None,
    "archived": False,
    "company_id": 6,
    "created_at": 1584730345695,
    "decline_reason": '',
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "external_key": "[email protected]",
    "key": "lead_KkGd8UAMVMAcWR",
    "meta": {
        "country": "United States",
        "first_name": "austen",
        "firsttype_phWcnMuA8mpJ": "",
        "last_name": "bostron",
        "online_monthly_revenue": "Under $10K per month",
        "phone": "7189084190",
        "picklist_fkNFmN8IIEaP": "",
        "secondwithdefault_NEElyEIGrnAv": "default"
    "name": "austen bostron",
    "owner": "company",
    "partner_key": "austensutherland9896",
    "partnership_id": 134,
    "status": "open",
    "updated_at": 1584730345695
keyStringUnique Key of Lead
statusStringCurrent Status of lead
approvedBooleanWhether the lead has been approved or not
nameStringName of lead
emailStringEmail of lead
external_keyStringUnique reference from external system
created_atIntegerCreated timestamp (ms epoch)
updated_atIntegerUpdated timestamp (ms epoch)
archivedBooleanWhether this lead has been 'deleted'
company_idIntergerUnique Reference to Company
partner_keyStringUnique Reference to Partnership
metaObjectCustom Fields on Lead

Deal Events

All Deal events (deal_created, deal_updated, deal_stage_updated) will serve the following data

deal_created - A new deal is created
deal_updated - An existing deal has been updated
deal_stage_update - An existing deal has had its stage updated

    "account_name": "Robert Reilly",
    "amount": 8753,
    "close_date": 1583038800000,
    "company_id": 6,
    "contact_first_name": "Stephanie",
    "contact_last_name": "Sullivan",
    "created_at": 1582908052302,
    "key": "deal_fLvIgE6Yb43CLO",
    "meta": {
        "company_name_38n83e3e3": "Some Company",
        "favorite_number_122jdfu232": 2,
    "partner_key": "brendachapman3787",
    "stage": "Working",
    "updated_at": 1582908052302
keyStringUnique Key of Deal
account_nameStringName of account attached to Deal
contact_first_nameStringFirst Name of contact attached to Deal
contact_last_nameStringLast Name of contact attached to Deal
stageStringCurrent Stage of Deal in pipeline
close_dataIntegerThe expected date that this Deal will close (epoch ms)
amountIntegerThe amount (in cents) that this deal is expected to close at
partner_keyStringUnique identifier of partner who created Deal
metaObjectCustom fields on Deal
company_idIntergerUnique Id of Company on Deal
created_atIntegerCreated timestamp (ms epoch)
updated_atIntegerUpdated timestamp (ms epoch)