Partner API


The Partner REST API gives you the most control over your integration, and, like a good API it is, has predictable, resource-oriented URLs.

View the PartnerStack API reference for the most up to date list of supported resources


Authenticate your requests using Bearer Auth.
Simply use your api_key from your user settings and set it as the bearer token in the authorization header of your request.

Authorization: Bearer {api_key}


All endpoints return a JSON body, even if returning an error.
Our API libraries convert responses to appropriate language-specific objects.

The structure for a successful response will be in the form of:

  "data": {...},
  "message": "...",
  "status": "2xx"

where all relevant information is stored within the data property.

For error responses, it will be:

  "message": "...",
  "status": "3xx|4xx|5xx"

where message will contain a description of the error.


Endpoints (primarily GET a list of items) that accepts starting_after or ending_before, and limit will return paginated results.

Query ParameterDescription
starting_afterA cursor for use in pagination. starting_after is an item key that defines your place in the list.

For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 items, then the last item with "key":"rew_1234", can be used in your subsequent call as the parameter value to fetch the next page of results: ?starting_after=rew_1234.

This is mutually exclusive with ending_before.
ending_beforeThe inverse of starting_after and will return items that are in the previous page. Instead of using the last item's key in the result set, you would use the first item's key.

This is mutually exclusive with starting_after.
limitThe number of items to retrieve per result set (page). The boundary is [1, 250] with a default value of 10.

An example response for paginated results:

  "data": {
    "has_more": true,
    "items": [...]
  "message": "Page returned successfully",
  "status": 200

The property has_more is used to determine if there are more items to be retrieved.

Time & Date

Date and time specific properties, such as created_at are in epoch timestamp milliseconds. In addition, this also applies to query parameters. As such, the date to provide as parameters must be converted to an integer of epoch ms.